Manuscript Submission Portal & Results
The manuscript submission portal is now closed. The manuscripts to be included in the conference proceedings may be found through the following link. The corresponding authors of these manuscripts will be contacted for further editing instructions and special issue considerations. Additional information may be provided through contacting the chair of the conference organizing committee at
Full Paper Submission
The authors of all papers presented at the conference can submit their work for publication in the book “Traffic and Granular Flow ’17”, to be published by Springer. The length of each paper (poster and oral presentation) is strictly limited to 8 pages, including references. The current template for full papers can be found here. The deadline for submitting the full papers was in December 2017; submissions were to be sent in via the GW Submission System with pdf and the LaTeX source code (including figures, bibliography files).
The template should have been followed strictly. A checklist for common mistakes in the submitted files is found here. The referencing style document can be found through here.
Additional Information can be found at:
Legal documents: please fill and sign the following form (pdf or doc) for copyright transfer. These forms may be sent via a separate email to
Special Issues
The proceedings manuscripts have been submitted. The organizing committee is having two special issues in two major journals: the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (
The papers found through this link are invited to submit a full paper to the Journal of Transportation and Traffic Engineering – JTTE for review. The initial JTTE call for papers may be accessed through this link. This call is now being handled by the JTTE editor in chief. For added information, please contact Dr. Yuejie Han at The formatting to be adopted may be found through this link. The channel of the JTTE submission is already upon so the invited authors are encouraged to start working on their full papers:
The papers found through this link are invited to submit a full paper to the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems – JITS for review. The JITS call for papers may be accessed through this link. The portal for the JITS has been closed. For added information, you can contact the guest editors, Prof. Samer H. Hamdar (at and Prof. Robert Bertini (at
For further information, you may contact the chair of the TGF 2017 organizing committee at
Presentations/Posters Submissions
The poster layout of the posters must not have exceed the maximum size of 841mm x 1189 mm or approx. 33″ x 47″ (A0 format/36” x 48“ format). If you have not yet submitted your posters/presentations as soft copies to the conference organizers (pdf or powerpoint or keynote formats), we urge you to email them to: The presentations/posters can be then shared through the conference website.